To keep our operations running smoothly, we at Locals Collective have a few terms and conditions that are important to understand before becoming a surf storage member with us. Don't worry, there's nothing to be scared of here. We've worked hard to build a reputation of being very understanding and accommodating people who are in the business of making our customers happy, not making a extra buck when possible. Overall, these terms are to ensure everyone’s safety, well-being, and a quality operation.
Storage are accessible 24 hours per day
If you need assistance you may call or walk over to cafe during business hours. If emergency, call 911.
Your membership will automatically renew unless otherwise you provide a written request to cancel via email at least one month in advanced of your renewal date. Renewal date is the exact length of your plan (6 months or 1 year) after your initial start date.
If written request to cancel renewal is not provided at least one month in advance of renewal date, you will be charged a one month fee of $155 to extend your membership by one more month before being terminated.
No changing in storage room. Must use bathrooms as the common areas are under video surveillance.
One person per locker unless otherwise agreed on an paid for
Absolutely no other people in area besides other members
This is for everyone’s safety
You may not let a friend use your key FOB
This is for Everyone’s Safety
If you are caught allowing other people to use your key FOB your membership will be cancelled
Do not hold front door open for anyone, even if you suspect that they are also a member.
This is for everyone's safety
Cannot alter locker without permission
Must keep locker locked at all times
Please rinse sand off outside before entering
Must keep locker in neat order and free of excess moisture
Please k eep the aisles clear and do not leave boards or items in aisles as you change or shower
Must be courteous to other people waiting to use showers.
5 minute time limit
We are not responsible for items left in storage units
Unlocked lockers will be locked and subject to fee of $50 per occurrence
If we have to clip lock, subject to $50 fee per occurrence
$75 deposit for Key FOB
Only allowed to use front door. Cannot use back door or door to cafe. $200 charge per occurrence.
Credit Card will be kept on file and automatically billed based on subscription rate and for other fees if/when incurred.
Locker plan rates are subject to a 5% increase each calendar year
Must give copy of driver’s license and have a photo on file
Cannot Cancel Current Subscription & No Refunds